Keith Emerson, Glenn Frey, Scott Weiland, B.B. King, Chris Squire, Lemmy Kilmister, Jeff Porcaro, and David Bowie

(Keith Emerson, Glenn Frey, Scott Weiland, B.B. King, Chris Squire, Lemmy Kilmister, Jeff Porcaro, & David Bowie)

Carpe Diem!

We must take the time to celebrate.  Make the time to celebrate.  Seize every moment to ROCK!

If there’s anything the past year-or-so has taught us about rock n’ roll, it’s “Carpe Diem,” or “Seize the Day!”

The next time your rock heroes roll through town, you HAVE to get out and see them.  You never know when they (or you) might be taken.

If you even marginally pay attention to the news, you’ve seen many of our rock gods leave us this year.  The most recent, Keith Emerson (Emerson, Lake, and Palmer), prompted this article.  And Keith’s death comes within a week of George Martin’s (Beatles).

Others include Chris Squire (Yes), Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots), Glenn Frey (Eagles), Lemmy Kilmister (Motorhead), B.B. King, David Bowie, and Mike Porcaro (Toto).  Most of these are HUGE Pilot Error influences, and these are only a few…

Have you lost a music hero recently?  Are there any more names you’d like to see called out?  Let us know in the comments.

Their passing reminds us to CELEBRATE – often!  Seize the Day!  Carpe Diem!

-Pilot Error